Anti-Seizure drugs are used for prevention of further occurence of seizure. It doesn't cure seizure but prevents it from reoccuring. Here is few of the drugs used for prevention of seizure along with its mechanism, indication and Side effects(S/E).
Valproate :
Decrease voltage gated Na channels ; Increase GABA ; Inhibits Ca channel
1st line medication
S/E: Anemia , Hepatotoxicity, Pancreatitis, Spina bifida
Phenytoin :
Decrease voltage gated na channels
Zero order
kinetics, P450 inducer
S/E: Gingival hyperplasia, Fetal Hydantoin Syndrome (toin = phenyTOIN = hydanTOIN)
Ethosuximide :
Decrease T-type calcium
Absence seizures
S/E: Stevens-johnson syndrome (Absence
seizure sux)
Carbamazepine :
Increase voltage gated Na channels refractory
Trigeminal Neuralgia
S/E: Steven-johnson
Lamotrigine :
Inhibits voltage gated na channels as well as glutamate channel
S/E: Stevens-johnson syndrome
Benzos and Barbs :
Increase GABAa ( BZ: frequency of Cl; BB:
duration of Cl )
Levetiracetam :
Unknown Mechanism
Tiagabine and Vigabatrin :
Topiramate :
Inhibits voltage gated Na channels
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